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Power from the seaAlgen-bgreen-rohstoffe-Galerie

Algae are the oldest plants on our planet. Researchers assume a global total of more than 100,000 different species of algae. The algae filter valuable trace elements and minerals out of the sea through osmosis. Their nutrient density (amino acids, mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins) is therefore unique in the plant world. Algen-rot-Rohstoffe-Galerie

The health-promoting active ingredients are fucoidan, which is obtained mainly from laminaria japonica, and alginic acid. Fucoidan plays an important role in the regeneration of tissue cells and has a strong anti-inflammatory potential. Alginic acid ensures that the cell walls of the algae are stabilized. The gel-like texture of alginic acid gives the algae intercellular strength and flexibility at the same time.

The sodium alginate used in Hoffmann’s Proxifungine is the sodium salt of brown algae. These are particularly rich in trace elements and fucoidan, and have an antibacterial and remineralizing effect.

Algen-blau-Rohstoffe-GalerieIn addition, sodium alginate has a unique property that makes it particularly suitable for use in our denture adhesive powder: provides optimum adhesion properties and releases an antifungal agent. The fungicidal effect, which is restricted to the site of the infection, is particularly characterized by a constant delivery of the active agent (adhesive powder matrix effect).